Pure Image Ministries, International is a multi- faceted ministry releasing the Fire and Glory of His Presence, bringing Revelation and Transformation, unveiling the Lord of Glory in His Pure Beauty, Radiance, Power and Majesty.
God has commissioned us to teach and release the revelation of His Glorious Presence that is found in the pattern of His Holy Tabernacle--a living pattern of Fire and Glory!
He has called us to bring to His Body an awakening and a clarion call to return to the LORD’s Presence. It is a call for His people to come to know the One True God in authentic and true patterns of worship.
"I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues'". Revelation 18:4
We are being sent in very strategically in this time to restore true altars of worship to the Lord in the hearts of all.
We are teaching and preaching purity to this generation in our School of Righteousness, and releasing the sights and sounds of heaven in Tabernacle of Fire and Glory Encounters throughout the ends of the earth!! The Lord is releasing purity, His power, authority and dominion.
Multitudes are being delivered, taught and transformed, empowered and renewed in His Holy Presence. He comes in His powerful all consuming Fire, to deliver, prepare, and purify His people, royal priests and bride.
He is shifting our frequency to Glory, calling us to come and live beyond the veil in His Glory.
Much of what has been released in the earth is merely earthly, birthed of man, and does not touch heaven or bring any real transformation or power of His love.
God is now sending His fiery ones that are agreeing with heaven's patterns. Heaven recognizes them because they are in covenant with God and with each other.
He is looking for those that he can entrust with the power of the age to come--the Kingdom Age. The religious age as we have known it is shattering, and the Kingdom Age is coming in all of His Radiance, Power and Glory!!!.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Glory
of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from
glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
2 Cor. 3:18